You’re charged with being the “marketing super hero.”

From September 2017 Insights Blog

Exhibiting at events and your sales staff are great 1:1 engagement tools. When you can’t meet or draw all of your potential customers to your website or meet them in-person, engagement marketing casts a net to capture your prospects as they are forming opinions and drawing purchase conclusions well before they start to interact with your company.

Today’s digital access gives buyers and prospects more opportunities to do their background product comparison and all the purchase funnel activities they perform before they reveal themselves and their interest to you. How do you intercept these buyers and prospects and beat the competition to their wallet? Demographics aren’t the total solution in this marketing plot, this strategy calls for engagement marketing (EM).

Captain E to the Rescue

Data is a factor in EM, but its behavioral data. You are identifying buyers and prospects by who they are and what they are doing to indicate interest in the type of product you market. EM tactics are about you identifying and creating personalized, meaningful interactions with these interested buyers and prospects. Many of these tactics are real-time web interactions with your targeted prospects – and you are subsequently using personalized communications via email, web, mobile and more channels to establish your product or brand with them.

Your goal with this type of marketing helps you intercept prospects early in their purchase funnel cycle and helps you shorten the time between prospects’ interest and sales. Over time, by listening and responding to your buyers and prospects, and establishing your company as trusted experts with them, you earn the right to tell buyers about your products.

Once potential customers became actual customers, the conversation changes. Your goal is to get to this tipping point and EM tactics can get you there.

Learn more about EM from Marketo’s “The 5 Principles of Engagement Marketing” presentation, download it here.

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